Representative in the EU (Art. 27 GDPR)

A representative in the EU under Article 27 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an individual or organization that represents companies located outside the EU and acts as a point of contact for data protection authorities in the EU. These representatives assist companies in fulfilling their obligations under the GDPR, especially when processing personal data of EU citizens.

Representative in the EU (Art. 27 GDPR): Support for your company’s data protection compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has introduced new requirements for companies, especially those outside the EU, that process personal data of EU citizens. According to Article 27 of the GDPR, these companies must appoint a representative in the EU, who acts as a point of contact for data protection authorities in the EU.

What does a representative in the EU do according to Article 27 GDPR? These representatives assist companies in fulfilling their obligations under the GDPR, especially when it comes to processing personal data of EU citizens. The tasks of a representative in the EU include:

Point of contact for data protection authorities: The representative in the EU serves as a point of contact for data protection authorities in the EU and represents the company in data protection matters.

Receiving notifications and inquiries: The representative in the EU receives notifications and inquiries from data protection authorities and assists the company in responding to these inquiries.

Representation of the company: The representative in the EU represents the company in all data protection matters in the EU and assists in implementing data protection measures.

Appointing a representative in the EU according to Article 27 GDPR is crucial for the data protection compliance of companies that process personal data of EU citizens. Our data protection experts are here to ensure that your company complies with the requirements of the GDPR and ensures smooth operations in the EU. Contact us today to learn more about our services in the area of EU representative and how we can help strengthen your data protection compliance.


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